Saturday, April 7, 2007

RPI and the Modern Architecture Dilemma, Appendix

Public Art Seminar, Spring 2007
Ryan Andress, Chemical Engineering '07

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the Modern Architecture Dilemma
Appendix A: Navigating the biotechnology center at RPI
The Biotechnology Center
An Undergraduate’s Nightmare

Nice Façade, but that’s about all that is nice…
Entering the Biotech Center

Doable during the day, however the device below will keep you out at night if you are not a graduate student who is authorized to be there, even if you HAVE to go inside Once inside, your first instinct is to go up the following stair case
(aka: staircase to NOWHERE)
Also notice all of the empty space

At the top of the staircase is a useless lounge, which can be reached by elevator anyway, the midway point is the following:

The Red Dot means you can’t go anywhere (Locked Door)

Going up the staircase wasn’t a good idea after all, unless of course you have access…

Going to the 4th floor offices entails the following, going up two flights of stairs, not the one previously shown, and then going up a spiral staircase, which has been concealed

But what if you are on the 4th floor and you need to get down quickly?

You are shit out of luck, but wait, what about the door nearby that says “exit”

Let’s get a closer look at that sign, shall we?

Guess it wasn’t an exit after all, doors like these can be found throughout the building, and what exactly is Shirley hiding behind these doors?

We may never know…

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